Data Science Week 2025

Holger Fröhlich
Fraunhofer SCAI, Germany

Prof. Dr. Holger Fröhlich holds a diploma and PhD in Computer Science, specializing in AI. He has held positions as a postdoc at the German Cancer Research Center, Senior Scientist at Cellzome AG, and Associate Professor at the University of Bonn. In 2015, he joined UCB as Director of an AI and Data Science team. Since 2019, he has been Head of AI & Data Science and Deputy Head of the Department of Bioinformatics at the Fraunhofer Institute. He also teaches at the University of Bonn. His work focuses on AI/ML in biomedicine, including drug discovery, precision medicine, and clinical trials. He has developed various data science methods, authored 150+ publications, and coordinated EU projects  (JNPD ADIS, ERA PerMed DIGIPD). He is a scientific advisory board member of the Helmholtz society’s AI graduate school.